Positioned within a top research institution, the Department of Music offers a stimulating environment in which students can develop their talents. Guided by world-renowned soloists, ensemble musicians, orchestral players, composers, music theorists and historical musicologists, our gifted students pursue their passion for creating, presenting and investigating music in a close-knit community of musicians and scholars.

  • UB Chamber Singers Release Debut Album
    The UB Chamber Singers, directed by Associate Teaching Professor and UB choirs director Claudia Brown, have released their first album, "When the Earth Stands Still." This exciting debut is available on Spotify, iTunes, and other digital music platforms, as well as in CD format.
  • Colter Harper Releases New Album, "Live at Studio B"
    Assistant Teaching Professor Colter Harper has released a new album, "Live at Studio B," recorded in July 2023 at WQED in Pittsburgh, PA. Captured in front of a live studio audience and performed in a single take, the album represents six years of groundbreaking live performances and bold musical experimentation.
  • New Combined Program
    The University at Buffalo Department of Music and Graduate School of Education are pleased to announce the planned formation of a new five-year combined Bachelor's and Master's program in Music Education.